Soccer Essentials for Beginners

mom and daughter at soccer practice

Playing soccer requires minimal equipment which is why it is a popular sport all over the world. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, having the right soccer equipment can make all the difference on the field. The basic equipment needed to play soccer includes a ball, shin guards, cleats, and a uniform. Depending on what position you are playing, you may need other items such as goalie gloves, a goalie jersey, and goalie shorts. Our Soccer Experts are here to guide you through the soccer practice gear you'll need to get started.

Soccer Cleats

One of the most important pieces of equipment you'll need for soccer practice is a good pair of cleats. Soccer cleats are designed to provide better traction on the grass or turf, reducing the risk of slips and falls. When choosing soccer cleats, look for a pair that fits well and provides ample support for your feet.

Tip: Make sure to break them in before your first practice to avoid blisters.

Shin Guards

Shin guards are another essential piece of equipment for soccer practice. These pads are worn on the front of the lower leg and protect your shin from painful collisions with other players or the ball. Make sure to choose shin guards that fit securely without feeling restrictive.

Soccer Clothing

soccer clothing image

Wearing the right clothing for soccer practice is also important for your comfort and safety. It's important to wear comfortable and breathable soccer clothing that allows you to move freely during practice. This can include shorts, comfortable shirts or jerseys, and socks that fit well with your soccer cleats.

Additionally, you should choose weather-appropriate clothing. During colder weather, you may want to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants or leggings to keep warm. In hot and sunny weather, choose lighter-colored clothing that is made of breathable materials to keep you cool and dry.

Soccer Ball

Of course, you'll need a soccer ball for practice! Look for a soccer ball that is the right size for your age and skill level. A properly-inflated ball will also help you develop your skills. Below is a chart that will help you find the correct size soccer ball.

Soccer Ball Size Chart
SizeCircumference (in.)Age
Size 1 (Skills Balls)18 - 20All ages: Developing footwork skills/ball control
Size 3 (Junior)23 - 248 and younger
Size 4 (Youth)25 - 26Ages 8 - 12
Size 5 (Adult)27 - 28Ages 13+

Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is key during any physical activity, and soccer practice is no exception. Make sure to bring a water bottle to practice and take sips between drills and exercises.

Practice Pennies

If you're playing with a team, practice pinnies can be a useful tool for drills and scrimmages. These brightly-colored jerseys can help differentiate teams and make drills easier to organize.

Goalie Gloves

image of soccer player wearing goalie gloves

If you plan on playing goalie during practices or games, it's important to invest in a quality pair of goalie gloves. When choosing soccer goalie gloves, look for ones that fit well and provide a good grip to help you catch and block shots.

Training Aids

image of girl practicing soccer

Once your little one gets comfortable playing soccer and is ready to develop their skills at home, consider purchasing some training equipment. We have rebound nets, shot trainers, dribbling trainers, and goals so they can play at home!

Soccer can be fun and rewarding, but having the right equipment is essential for success. Remember to invest in a good pair of cleats, shin guards, and a properly-sized soccer ball. Stay hydrated with a water bottle and keep the weather in mind when choosing what to wear. With the right gear, you'll be well on your way to improving your game. If you have any additional questions or you need to try on any soccer equipment, stop into your local ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN.