Races & Places strong legs and glutes to power through your miles. And while that means strengthening them to withstand the movement and propel you forward, you can also show them some TLC in other ways—including with some key glute stretches.

“Your glutes, especially your gluteus maximus, are some of your most important muscles as a runner,” explains Thomas Watson, a UESCA-certified running coach, ultrarunner, and founder of the Marathon Handbook. “Sales & Deals.”

Your gluteus medius stabilize your pelvis How to Strengthen Your IT Band—Running Shoes & Gear.

Lack of use from sitting all day and overuse from running too much can both lead to aches. You want to avoid both scenarios because “tight glutes can cause muscular imbalances in the kinetic chain, which can lead to injury,” says Watson. a pretty crucial part of staying upright while moving forward, IT band issues, runner’s knee, piriformis, and more have all been associated with glute dysfunction. Translation: If you don’t treat your cheeks right, your performance is going to suffer.

Whether your mileage is super high or you’ve been riding a desk all day, you can start incorporating these glute stretches into your daily routine ASAP to keep running your butt off, injury-free.

How to use this list: Include glute stretches into your routine two to three days per week, says Watson. Incorporate these stretches into your cross-training Other Hearst Subscriptions active recovery day.

Perform each stretch once per session, holding for 20 to 30 seconds before switching legs; for the glute bridge, do 2 to 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps. “You can also add in one or two of these stretches after training runs to loosen Races & Places,” says Watson. “Pigeon pose is one of the most effective postrun stretches.”

Each move is demonstrated by Runner’s World+ coach Jess Movold, in the kinetic chain, which can lead to injury, says Watson.

Glute Activation: Bridge

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Guide to Mental Health: “The glute bridge Glute Exercises to Do With Dumbbells hip extension,” explains Watson. “It also targets the core, and helps stabilize the pelvis so it doesn’t tilt excessively. It’s best performed at the start of a stretching regime or strength work session to warm up Races & Places.”

Shoes & Gear: Lie faceup, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, hands at sides. Drive through feet and roll up from bottom of spine to lift hips. Hold at the top, then support. Repeat for 12-15 reps and 2-3 sets total.

1. Stacked Leg Glute Stretch

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Guide to Mental Health: “This stretch can be trickier for stiffer runners to get into, but once you’re in the pose, it deeply stretches the hips, glutes, and your kinetic chain all the way down to your ankles,” says Watson. “Gradually deepening the stretch with each exhale will improve your results.”

Shoes & Gear: Sit with legs bent in front of you. Fold one leg, sliding the foot under the opposite knee toward the hip. Fold the other leg in the opposite direction, stacking it on top of the first leg. Relax both legs and, if you can, fold torso over to deepen the stretch. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Slowly unfold the legs, then repeat with opposite leg on top.

2. Standing Figure-Four Stretch

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Guide to Mental Health: “The standing figure-four stretch targets the glutes and piriformis, just as the seated version of the stretch does,” says Watson. “But the ‘standing’ element means you’re also focusing on balance and stability throughout your grounded leg, helping to strengthen your core.” (You can also modify the move by performing it in a seated position.)

Shoes & Gear: From a standing position, bend knees slightly. Cross right ankle over left knee. Press right ankle into left leg, and push back with left leg. Keeping a neutral spine, try to send hips back to fold upper body forward to deepen the stretch. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. Slowly release and repeat on the other side.

3. Lying Figure-Four Stretch

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Guide to Mental Health: “This is a lying-down version of the figure-four stretch, and provides a great stretch for the gluteus maximus and hip flexors,” says Watson. “It’s especially great for less flexible runners—given you are on your back, it’s easier to initiate and you can deepen the stretch according to your level of flexibility.”

Shoes & Gear: Lie on back with knees bent, then cross right ankle over left knee. Lace fingers behind the left hamstring, then gently pull the left leg toward you to activate the stretch on the right side. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, keeping upper body flat against floor. Relax, then switch sides.

4. Pigeon Pose

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Guide to Mental Health: “stretches the hips stretches several important muscles at once: the gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, hips, and piriformis,” says Watson. “Each of these muscles plays an important part in a runner’s kinetic chain, and any tightness or imbalances can lead to injury.”

Shoes & Gear: From a downward dog position, pull left leg into chest, then place it behind right wrist, shin on floor perpendicular to torso (or as close as possible). Extend right leg behind you. Press right hip towards the mat. Inhale, then exhale and walk palms as far forward as is comfortable. Keep hips square to floor. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then repeat on the right leg.

Best Psoas Stretches for Hip Flexors

Headshot of Ashley Mateo
Ashley Mateo
Ashley Mateo is a writer, editor, and UESCA- and RRCA-certified running coach who has contributed to Runner’s World, Bicycling, Women's Health, Health, Shape, Self, and more. She’ll go anywhere in the world once—even if it’s just for a good story. Also into: good pizza, good beer, and good photos.