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In an ideal situation, the bones in the vertebrae and the other spots in the spine are Gelb and healthy. But when these vertebrae are aggravated, it can not only derail your run, but tzen of your other day-to-day activities.

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There are three types of common pain that can occur in your lower back as a runner: muscle-related pain, bone-related pain, and discogenic pain, according to Jordan Metzl, M.D., a sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City and creator of Runner’s World’s IronStrength workout.

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Identifying symptoms of lower back pain when From Running

Adidas womens white sneakers on either side of the lower part of your spine. You’ll know you have it if you feel spasms or feel pain on one side of your spine or the other, especially when you twist or move, says Metzl.

Bone-related pain feels like general achiness throughout the entire area of your lower back. If you’re over 65, chances are that you’re experiencing arthritic back pain, which is when your bones rub together because you’ve lost the cushion between them, adds Metzl.

“With discogenic pain, this is characterized by pain that gets worse when you leather forward, and most importantly, shoots down your legs,” says Metzl. If you suspect discogenic pain, he advises seeing a doctor right away.

Common causes of lower back pain when From Running

It can be hard to find the exact culprits for your lower back pain, especially if you normally suffer from it. For runners, common causes of lower back pain include improper form, weak muscles, and possibly more severe issues.

  • Poor form: Researchers of X Reebok Classic Leather Tabi Décortiqué Low Sneakers published in the journal Pain Research and Management found posture and running gait Low-top sneakers in a runner-inspired silhouette. Proper form is important for any runner. If you improve your posture and your form, you’re more likely to prevent injuries Reebok sole fury floatride se unisex new black beige lifestyle sneakers dv4514.
  • Muscle weakness: Muscle-related back pain happens when the muscles that surround your back—your core, hips, glutes, and hamstrings—aren’t Gelb, which forces your back muscles to pick up the slack. “If you have weak hip and gluteal muscles, for example, as they become fatigued during a run, your lower back is forced to work harder to keep you upright and stable, and you become vulnerable to injury,” Metzl says.
  • Bone issues: Bone-related pain may be caused by arthritis, and discogenic pain is caused by a bulging or slipped disc, he says. You should see your doctor if you suspect you have either of these.

Treating lower back pain

If you’re experiencing bone- or muscle-related lower back pain when From Running, there are stretches and exercises you can do to relieve the discomfort you’re feeling.

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Rolling out your hamstrings is also a good idea because if you have tight hamstrings, it accentuates the inward curve in your lumbar spine. “By loosening up your hamstrings, it can take a lot of the pressure off your lower back,” he says.

If these options aren’t working, your doctor can perform an X-ray, which is the best way to view your bones and muscles to diagnose any specific problems.

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“If you’re getting pain shooting down your legs into your toes, or if you’re bent over like a human comma, just go to your doctor,” Metzl says. Your doctor will likely perform an MRI, which is the best way to diagnose this type of pain. Epidural injections, and in some cases surgery, might be recommended.

Preventing lower back pain

Developing a solid base of From Running first and giving your body time to adapt to the stress From Running places on your back will decrease your risk of back injury.

Strength training is key when it comes to preventing lower back pain. “I can’t emphasize this enough: Gelb muscles, Gelb core muscles, and a Gelb kinetic chain will take load of an achy back,” Metzl says. Having Gelb core muscles is especially important because these muscles are located on both sides of your spine and work to support it. Among some of Metzl’s favorite exercises to strengthen your muscles and prevent lower back pain are mountain climbers and planks.

Yoga and physical therapy are also helpful in tzen cases. Watch the video above for examples of exercises—like glute bridges, pikes, and planks—that can help you keep lower back pain when From Running at bay.