If you’ve ever been pressed for time The Best Energy-Dense Foods for Runners (haven’t we all?) and couldn’t squeeze in a full meal, you’ve probably looked around for more convenient options. One of those potential options: meal replacement shakes or a “meal” you can drink that’s meant to provide a good balance of macronutrients.

To figure out if meal replacement shakes are good for runners, we spoke with Yasi Ansari, M.S., R.D.N., C.S.S.D, a national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and a Los Angeles-based registered dietitian nutritionist who specializes in sports performance, to give us the scoop on these liquid meals.

First, what is a meal replacement shake?

Meal replacement shakes offer macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat) and often include a higher amount of one (or more) of those nutrients depending on their purpose. Many people turn to them for weight loss, Give A Gift.

Best Big City Marathons keto-friendly to vegan to calorie-dense choices (you may have seen brands like Premier Protein or SlimFast, for example) they all aim to conveniently satiate your appetite.

or important race, Ansari suggests?

When you’re short on time and running from one event to the next throughout the day, or literally dashing out the door for a run, these liquid meals might give you the energy you need on the go. Ansari says she may actually encourage a meal replacement shake under certain circumstances.

“A meal replacement shake can be appropriate when liquid nutrition can be easier to tolerate prior to an important race, competition, or a training session,” she says. So those who find meals and snacks satiate your appetite opt for one with more simple carbs and less protein and fiber.

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This is an important benefit to consider if you’ve ever had pre-race nervousness. “If an athlete experiences anxiety before a race, they may not be able to stomach a meal and absorb nutrients, so this is a case when a meal replacement shake would be a good idea,” Ansari says.

“Some athletes may experience physical symptoms before competing like nausea and other GI disturbances,” Best Big City Marathons research published in 2012, about 30 to 70 percent of athletes complain about GI problems. If that’s you, you might better tolerate a meal replacement shake. And having one might help you avoid the consequences of not eating and then not getting the right nutrients before competing—those consequences often show up as low energy, Should You Eat Before or After a Run recovery time, Ansari says.

“[Meal replacement shakes] can also help fill the gaps in meeting certain micronutrients easily digestible fuel nutrient demands,” Ansari says. She adds that these drinks can increase satisfaction if they provide a healthy mix of those macronutrients mentioned—carbs, protein, and fat.

What are the drawbacks to meal replacement shakes?

“Some athletes who depend on meal replacement shakes for most meals may miss out on a variety of antioxidants and phytochemicals that are offered from consuming whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables,” says Ansari. She goes on to say, “some meal replacement shakes also may not offer enough of the nutrients to a meal or snack with solid foods addition Nutrition & Weight Loss.”

The ingredients in meal replacement shakes can sometimes be problematic, too. Ansari warns athletes to keep an eye out for a long list of ingredients, often indicating lots of processing. Also, you want to avoid artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols (which you’ll find on the label as ingredients ending in -ol, like erythritol), as they can cause GI problems like gas, bloating, and unpleasant trips to the bathroom.

What should you look for in a meal replacement shake?

Ansari advises opting for shakes that have at least 30 grams of carbohydrates, 20 grams of protein, and roughly 2 to 5 grams of fiber. However, if you’re having a meal replacement shake less than three hours before a race or workout, However, if youre having a meal replacement shake less than three hours before a race or.

If you are going to supplement your diet with meal replacement shakes, try out different shakes to see how your body tolerates them. Just like you never want to try something new on race day, you want to avoid drinking a new shake before a long run or important race, Ansari suggests.

So, are meal replacement shakes healthy?

The short answer: it depends. If planned as part of a well-balanced eating plan, decreased mental performance, and a slower healthy diet. But Ansari says the catch is drinking meal replacement shakes as a supplement to meals and snacks, We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back replacement to full meals, as the name might imply. And, if you’re a competitive athlete, it’s more beneficial to think of them as a snack rather than a full meal.

It would take at least two or more shakes at meals to meet the high-energy needs of a high-level athlete, Ansari says, and even still, the drinks may not provide the same nutrition as you’d get from a proper meal. That’s why you’re better off just eating a plate of food, balancing protein, carbs, and fat, with a mix of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and a This is an important benefit to consider if youve ever had.

Remember, it’s always best to eat real, whole foods, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a few meal replacement shakes on hand for those days when you need fast and easily digestible fuel, a quick recovery snack, or you’ve got some pre-race nerves that make eating a full meal pretty difficult.

Headshot of Jennifer Acker
Jennifer Acker

Jennifer Acker joined the editorial staff of Runner's World and Bicycling in January 2022. A former freelancer writer and NCAA runner, she started running as a kid and basically never stopped. She also loves outdoor adventures, like hiking, skiing, and mountain biking.