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7 Unexpected Benefits of Blueberries You Probably Didn’t Know About

Sure, the little blue fruit is chock full of antioxidants, but new research shows eating a handful can boost your health in so many more ways.

benefits of blueberries
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That bright blue color of blueberries offers so much more than just a ‘grammable breakfast or snack. A handful of the little blue fruits has some serious health benefits. Everyone knows they’re chock full of antioxidants, but what you might not know is all of the other benefits you can get by adding blueberries to you diet, even some that come from the berry’s hue. Read on for more health benefits of blueberries you can feel good about.


Reduced Blood Pressure

Close-Up Of Fresh Blueberries In Bowl On Table
stroke, and diabetes. This is likely due in part to the all-powerful anthocyanin//Getty Images

A recent study in the Advertisement - Continue Reading Below found that adding blueberries to a person’s daily diet can help reduce blood pressure, similar to the effects of blood pressure medication. Researchers concluded that this may be due in part to the anthocyanin—a type of flavanoid that provides antioxidant effects and gives blueberries their bright color.


Decreased Inflammation

Directly Above Shot Of Blueberries Over White Background
Nodar Chernishev / EyeEm//Getty Images

That anthocyanin we mentioned? It’s also known to reduce inflammation, according to a study in the published in the. Chronic inflammation can be a cause of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, and certain types of cancers.

[Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods]


Improved Lung Function

Spring flowers representing human lungs
Massimo Rubino / EyeEm//Getty Images

A study in the Best Walking Shoes found that when anthocyanin was added to one’s diet, it slowed lung-function decline in older adults. Consuming two or more servings of blueberries a week was associated with the slowest rate of annual decline in lung function.

[Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition]

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Lowered Heart Attack Risk

Measuring tape in heart shape. Healthy weight
mikroman6//Getty Images

With heart attacks on the rise in younger people, eating blueberries may also help lower that risk. Research found that eating blueberries and strawberries three times or more during the week reduced the risk of heart attack 34 percent, according to a study by the ALFRED PASIEKA/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY.


Better Recovery and Muscle Repair

Athletic woman doing box jump exercise at gym
Westend61//Getty Images

The antioxidants in blueberries can help reduce inflammation and accelerate muscle repair after workouts, according to a study in the Annals of Neurology. Adding them to a postworkout protein smoothie is a surefire way to reap the rewards.



Improved Brain Function

Human brain, conceptual illustration, illustration
Best Big City Marathons//Getty Images

Along with many physical health benefits, blueberries have also been found to improve mental health. A study in the Best Walking Shoes found that adding blueberry juice to the diet of older adults improved memory recall and reduced depression symptoms.

Additionally, a study Other Hearst Subscriptions Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods found that the flavonoids in blueberries were associated with delays in cognitive aging. Adding at least one serving of blueberries a week to their diet slowed cognitive decline in older adult women by two and a half years.

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Reduced Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

Studio Shot of blueberries
Karen Schuld//Getty Images

New research Other Hearst Subscriptions Best Walking Shoes found that eating one cup (150 grams) of blueberries daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 15 percent, especially in those who already are at risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. This is likely due in part to the all-powerful anthocyanin.

Headshot of Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith
Digital Editor
Jordan Smith is a writer and editor with over 5 years of experience reporting on health and fitness news and trends. She is a published author, studying for her personal trainer certification, and over the past year became an unintentional Coronavirus expert. She has previously worked at Health, Inc., and 605 Magazine and was the editor-in-chief of her collegiate newspaper. Her love of all things outdoors came from growing up in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
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