Whether you’re running outside or just good music can often make the difference between a, Best Hoka Running Shoes rave run and a blown goal. That’s why we’re putting together 90-minute playlists each month chock-full of songs with enough of a beat to keep you moving. For even more tunes, check out our list of the How to Use Heart Rate Training to Get Faster.

Shoes & Gear run slower in order to get faster. Running is often focused on getting faster, whether that be to win a race, earn a PR, or qualify for a special event like the Boston Marathon, but a training schedule solely focused on upping your speed and trimming your times may not end with the results you’re hoping for. After all pushing your body too hard can leave it little time to recover, which will eventually lead to plateauing or injury. So what’s the solution? Enter zone 2 training.

In recent years, experts have begun breaking down athletic exertion in terms of training zones which correspond to the percentage of your maximum heart rate to pinpoint exercise intensity. With zone 1 being minimal effort and zone 5 being maximum exertion, zone 2 is about 60-70 percent of your max heart rate. In running terms, that’s an easy conversation pace, one that allows you to chit chat easily while jogging. While of course training in zones 3-5 is important, many runners skip zone 2 recovery days to their own detriment. However, once you’re used to running at a higher intensity, How to Use Heart Rate Training to Get Faster.

To aid in your zone 2 training days, we’ve created this playlist to accompany you. Rather than high tempo songs, this playlist is built of slower songs that will hopefully remind you to slow down, enjoy the scenery, and let your body rebuild itself. So as you’re training for your next full or half marathon, make sure to slower workouts because sometimes you’ve got to run slow to run fast and this playlist is for just such an occasion.

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Headshot of Matthew Huff
Matthew Huff

Whether youre running outside or just Advertisement - Continue Reading Below, published by Rizzoli Publications. His writing has appeared in Runner's World and BuzzFeed Runners World+ Exclusive “P.S. You’re Wrong: A Pop Culture Podcast.” Originally from Michigan, he now lives and runs in New York City, where he is pursuing a career as an expert chicken tender taster.