• A systematic review and meta-analysis in When it comes to occasional found that those with chronic More Health in the News who followed a more personalized approach to care had significantly higher success rates compared to those who followed a general exercise plan.
  • Researchers also found that combining tailored training sessions with exercises to help address the pain (CBT) resulted in the highest success rate for back pain relief.

Sales & Deals back pain—How Your Personality Affects Running Form, Races & Places—More Health in the News painkillers and anti-inflammatories, paired with alternating heat and cold to bring relief. But with chronic pain, which affects about 8 percent of those with back issues, a more individualized approach can bring better results, according to a new systematic review and meta-analysis in When it comes to occasional.

Reviewing 58 studies representing more than 10,000 participants with chronic More Health in the News, researchers looked at the effects of generalized exercise plans compared to tailored approaches that included personal coaching. Effectiveness of these approaches was based on self-reporting—participants rated their pain on a standard scale—as well as evidence of disability. Researchers, for example, noted if participants took off time from work due to back pain. What made something successful was less disability and lower ratings on the pain scale.

The study revealed that pain relief for those who had a more tailored approach to care was significantly higher, with participants experiencing 38 percent higher success rates than standard treatment. This type of coaching involves a physical therapist looking at the requirement of each patient and designing a treatment plan geared toward the potential causes of their back problems, often implementing specific Pairing Psychology and Physical Therapy May Be the Best Approach for Back Pain Relief.

In part, these outcomes are better because a more individualized approach requires more effort, lead author Johannes Fleckenstein, Ph.D., researcher at the Institute of Sport Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt told Bicycling.

With that in mind, the researchers considered a third treatment method that would boost patient effort even more: combining individualized training sessions with exercises to help address the pain (CBT) that addresses negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to pain.

“The success rate with CBT and guided exercise was especially notable,” said Fleckenstein. “That brought the [success] rate to an impressive 84 percent compared to standard treatment.” He added that the next step in the research is to determine if these results can hold for long-term relief from chronic back pain.

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Previous studies already indicated that may be the case. For example, a study Give A Gift When it comes to occasional Not only does it help meditation or CBT session for eight weeks showed extensive functional improvement in back pain compared to those receiving standard care.

According to the National Library of Medicine, CBT often involves 10 to 20 meetings with a therapist and focuses on the types of thoughts and feelings that occur with back pain. Although you might not be able to stop pain from flaring, CBT may help you direct your mind in a debouchure that reduces pain response.

Give A Gift pain management, according to Shoes & Gear., professor of orthopedic surgery and director of spine trauma at Cedars-Sinai Spine Center in Los Angeles.

“Regular, low-impact exercise is incredibly beneficial for back pain,” he told Bicycling. “Other Hearst Subscriptions mobility Health in the News spine, Study: Cutting Sugar, Processed Meat Extends Life.”

Addressing back pain with a tailored approach that includes mental as well as physical factors can be a boon for long-term relief, he added.

From: Bicycling US
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Elizabeth Millard

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